Monday, June 14, 2010

A reminder

I just wanted to let y'all know that I am also posting portions of our travel adventures on (in a yoga sort of way) and on our video website My postings are spotty as we are normally without connection but when I am able I will continue to post stories and images. In just one week I will fly to Minneapolis to spend a week with Sean and Mary as they await the arrival of their daughter. I may miss her at that time. She is not due to arrive till June 28th and first babies are notoriously late but I had to pick a time and that is when I'll be there, come what may. The entire month of July will be spent on Kodiak Island. You can see the video we edited for the Ayakulik Adventures on our website. They invited us to come and film from the helicopter and from the lodge for their next promo video. We are very excited about that. I am working on my fears. I've been out walking (for miles) in remote areas with Dickens, just to get acclimated to the wilds. It's working!

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