Saturday, May 15, 2010

North to Alaska

Hi everybody,

It is obvious no one uses the blog much anymore but I will stand on my proverbial soapbox and keep the ethers posted as to our whereabouts. We left Point on Mother's Day morning and drove to Minneapolis to visit Sean and Mary. They took us out to eat at the place where they are having their wedding next year. Very nice, and the food was exquisite! We left there on Tuesday morning at 9 am and arrived here in Northeastern Montana on Thursday morning. We've been visiting friends.

Tomorrow we will head for Lincoln Montana where we will make a little sales film for a gorgeous ranch there. 2200 acres with streams, old growth stands of evergreens and quaking aspen, lush hay meadows and a 200 acre wetland. There are original log structures and barns. If we all pitched in we could buy this for just a little over a million each. WANT TO????

After Lincoln, we'll head for British Columbia and then into Alaska.

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