Monday, January 31, 2011

Awesome! Santana shreds!!!

In case you think I've lost my mind (actually, I lost it years ago!), I want you to know that I laughed my arse off when I first saw this. All musicians with videos, beware!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Sophie's New Booties!

Sophie got a brand new pair of pair of boots! Ain't that cute?

She's getting a little creaky in her back legs and sometimes loses her grip on the hardwood floors and has a hard time getting up again. Since we got these, she's like a pup again!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Average Stock Held for 22 Seconds

Uh, I like computers, probably more than the average guy. But this is getting ridiculous! (Click the title or the link below to view the original article.)

Guest Post: Michael Hudson: Average Stock Held for 22 Seconds and Average Foreign Currency Position Held for 30 Seconds

Monday, January 3, 2011

Statistics Made Understandable!

Wow! I just stumbled onto this video by Hans Rosling. This guy is absolutely amazing in his ability to distill huge quantities of data into a clrear, easy to understand presentation. In this video he shows 200 countries across 200 years and plots the life expectancies of their peoples vs. their incomes. Fascinating!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's Far From Over...

Who would have imagined that we'd come to this? I believe we are about to beat the Great Depression... This is a painful, must watch video. Let's hope for the best better in 2011.

Click this link to view:

60 Minutes Segment

Hang on to your jobs!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day in Asheville, NC, 2010

Wow! Just like old times!

Merry Christmas!

Well, I am greeting the sunrise as I type this. Here is our Christmas offering for 2010!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bernie Sanders Lets 'er Rip!

I was wowed by this man's candor and eloquence. We all know facts have a liberal bias, eh?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeff!

I had my phone alarm set to ring at noon today as a reminder. I reset it to 5PM cuz I was too busy to call. Then, I simply forgot about it after killing the snooze. That's one of the problems with old age, eh? (Yeh, I know, I've had that problem forever, but at least now I've got an excuse...)

Anyway, Happy (almost belated) Birthday you old fart!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Read Margaret and Helen's Thanksgiving letter

I think we all should read Margaret and Helen's (or Helen's to be more precise) Thanksgiving letter. I love that woman!